Články autora

Ing. Petr Mach, PhD

Lídr kandidátky SPD a Trikolory do Evropského parlamentu. Manžel, otec, učitel, ekonom
13.12. 1901

Kdo platí nejvyšší daně?

Kdo platí největší daně?   Karel Havlíček Borovský, Slovan 4.9.1850 H.B. Mnohý platí daně, a neví proč. Mnohý platí daně, a neví nač. Mnohý platí daně, a neví komu. Postavíme zde tedy článek o daních, o kterém doufáme, že jej snad i mnohý s pozorností přečte, který třeba ví proč, nač a komu daně platí. Veliký rozdíl především jest mezi daní v zemích konstitučních...

13.12. 1901

The State should not support the Arts

„Arts don’t deserve to be haggled about on the market,“ think many, especially those artists dependent on the government’s grants or anybody who works in a government-funded, art-aimed organization. They also say: „Delivering art to the mercy of market would extinguish many precious works of art. Sure, there are some artistic products, which can work their...

13.12. 1901

To join (EU) or not to join?

Not surprisingly, the opinions of Euro-optimist Monika Pajerová and Euro-skeptic Petr Mach about Czech accession to the EU are a study in contrasts. Their dual interview with The Prague Tribune simmered with arguments and invective. Mrs. Pajerová, what are your three basic reasons why the Czech Republic should join the EU? Monika Pajerová, coordinator of the...

13.12. 1901

Ten myths about the Czech Republic’s accession to the European Union

When in 1989 we called „Back to Europe!,“ we meant to free ourselves from the bounds of the Asian culture represented by the former Russian ruler over our sovereignty and to rejoin the democratic and capitalist Western Europe. Few years later, with the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty, the European Union was established. We took...

13.12. 1901

The UN will inevitably continue to fail

The war in Iraq revealed the weaknesses of the UN, which in the eyes of many is – or should be – the source of legitimacy of international military actions. These weaknesses, however, are of such a fundamental nature that we must ask whether the organisation’s further existence in its current form has any sense, or...